Transforming lives in informal settlements through health, climate change awareness, and livelihood programs since 2021.

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Sinai Rehabilitation Center, Makadara Sub-county, Viwandani Ward, Lunga Lunga Rd.

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Joseph Kilonzo

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Samuel Wairimu

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Shalom Gathoni

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a Community-Based Organization (CBO)?

A Community-Based Organization (CBO) is a grassroots initiative formed to address specific community needs, such as health, education, environmental conservation, or economic empowerment. CBOs are often nonprofit and rely on local participation to achieve their objectives.

Sinai Unified Organization focuses on three main areas: health programs, environmental care and livelihoods, and youth engagement. Our goal is to empower and transform communities through these initiatives.

Our programs are designed to benefit vulnerable populations, including youth, young single mothers, people living in informal settlements, and the general community.

We provide various health services, including HIV prevention and SRHR education, mental health advocacy, maternal and child health support, gender-based violence (GBV) championing, and TB and STI awareness campaigns.

How does SUO promote environmental care?

We engage in activities such as urban farming, waste management and clean-ups, food security advocacy, and disaster preparedness. These initiatives aim to foster sustainable practices and improve community livelihoods.

Yes, SUO has mentorship initiatives like the Sinai Junction Kids Club, which nurtures talent among children aged 5–16 through cultural performances. We also manage the Community Youth Center (CYC), a safe space for youth to learn, engage, and grow.

You can get involved by volunteering, donating, partnering with us on projects, or participating in our events. Contact us via email at <span style="color: #77c043;"><a style="color: #77c043;" href=""></a> </span> or visit our office at Sinai Rehabilitation Center, Nairobi.

Since its establishment, SUO has successfully implemented projects like the ARISE AJIBIKA program for food security advocacy and community youth engagement initiatives. We’ve empowered countless individuals through health education, sustainable farming practices, and youth mentorship.

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